Top 10k strings from DTP Pack (1991)(PCG Software)(Side B).dsk in <root> / bin / z80 / software / Sinclair Spectrum Collection TOSEC.exe / Sinclair ZX Spectrum - Compilations - Utilities & Educational & Various / Sinclair ZX Spectrum - Compilations - Various - [DSK] (TOSEC-v2007-01-01) /

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  69            sh ?
  32 Track-Info
   8            7
   7            6
   7            5
   6 ARROW.GRF  sh ?
   6            4
   5            3
   4 Store Pagepge
   4 R_HEVY  FN3
   4 R_BOLD  FN3
   3 Typeliner (C) Cardex 1987
   3 TYPE    EXE
   3 TITLE   FN3
   3 SUPER   FN3
   3 SCRAWL  FN3
   3 SAVE    EXE
   3 R_LITE  FN3
   3 888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888
   3            2
   2 typeliner!      5081  
   2 text demo 
   2 graffix    sh ?
   2 Reviewed by Rodney Skunk
   2 R-Light    2
   2 R-Light         2091  *
   2 N|LKHYQrDHp@
   2 MINI    FN3
   2 IBM     EXE
   2 Have you ever wanted to control your computer through the power of your thought impulses? Type in magazine listings by the simple act of reading? This small black box is a new and exciting product for the 48k Spectrum from the Zlotny Laboratories of Plovdiv, Bulgaria, and it allows you to do all these things and more.
   2 HR5     EXE
   2 B4.GRF     sh ?
   2 (cont. page 97)
   2   Word-Master from is the only word-processor compatible with the interface. I found I could type up to seven hundred words per minute by thought power alone, though occasional random thoughts did stray into the text. This is pretty impressive compared to my usual one-fingered keyboard jabbing, and could well make keyboards redundant altogether...
   2   The interface comes with three pages of photocopied instructions and a small scalpel for fitting. One end connects into the Spectrum expansion port, the other (after relatively minor and almost pain-free surgery) into your pre-frontal lobes. One disadvantage of this is that you are left with a large jack-socket in the middle of your forehead.
   1 ~|@DDHHPP``@
   1 ~#Track-Info
   1 ||||TTTTt|<,
   1 ||||<|||DDDDDD|||<||||@@@@@ppp0<|||DDDDFF~||<||||PPPPp|<,
   1 ||@<|DDDDDDDD|<D||D@@@@@p0<|DDDDFFDD|<D||PPPPPPp<
   1 || @@@@  $4PPPPPT,,@
   1 || @@@ << @@@ <
   1 zx.txt    
   1 ttttTTTT\\\L<|||TTTT|||,@@@@DL\|xp`@,|||TTTT|||,4tttTTTT|||<
   1 text.dem        1529  
   1 text demo       1620  S
   1 save!            156  
   1 page 2           924  
   1 otocopied instructions and a small scalpel for fitting. One end connects into the Spectrum expansion port, the other (after rela
   1 nrITrack-Info
   1 lSLba`PpPhh(442221))
   1 iew. Again, the lines are regularly spaced.
   1 grafix.grf       923  
   1 graffix    sh ?<
   1 graffix          923  
   1 ght         2091  *
   1 g section in the manual for a description of what is going on here. A similar irregular effect is produced by adding a half space to the 3/18ths setting.
   1 filLonlErnrIqncEpnF
   1 editor!         1632  _
   1 copy subroutine
   1 ating agony. This certainly encourages you to improve your gameplay!
   1 `p  @@  p`
   1 Word-Master
   1 UnicLight  2
   1 UnicLight       2139  Z
   1 UNIC    FN3
   1 Title           2715  
   1 This text is line spaced to 2/18ths, and for this we have changed to font two, the "Mini" font. In the page preview this spacing looks a bit splodgy but it is still possible to make out the start & end of paragraphs.
   1 This is the test!
   1 Tel: 0229 36957
   1 TEXT.TXT        1636  c
   1 Super      4
   1 Super           1398  u
   1 Storage Device:
   1 Scrawl          2757  
   1 Scrawl    
   1 Save Select:
   1 RB44@~@,,B
   1 R-LiTrack-Info
   1 R-Heavy         2631  F
   1 R-Bold          2292  
   1 Order Total:
   1 ORDERFORM        924  
   1 OPUS Discovery
   1 Mini       3
   1 Mini            1842  1
   1 Microdrive
   1 Maybe not?
   1 IBM/TYPE!       5082  
   1 I would like to order:
   1 HR-5/TYPE!      5094  
   1 FORM.GRF   sh ?
   1 FORM.GRF         674  
   1 Expanded   2
   1 Expanded        2739  
   1 EXPAND  FN3
   1 D||TTTTTT4,
   1 DemoPage         924  
   1 Demo.txt        2563  
   1 Delivery Address:
   1 DEMO2      
   1 DEMO       
   1 City            2613  4
   1 Can it do it?
   1 C_LITE  FN3
   1 C_BOLD  FN3
   1 CPDRead v3.24
   1 CITY    FN3
   1 CARDEX.GRF sh ?
   1 CARDEX.GRF      1405  |
   1 C-Light         1695  
   1 C-Bold     3
   1 C-Bold          1926  
   1 C         
   1 Barrow-in-Furness
   1 BF44t@~@~@l,,BB
   1 BB$4P~~P,,B
   1 B4.GRF           160  
   1 B3.GRF     sh ?
   1 B3.GRF           120  w
   1 And this is spaced to 5/36ths of an inch. Now what we see in the page preview is a "mixture" of 2/18ths and 3/18ths spacing. See the 
   1 And now we have a spacing of 7/36ths. This appears to be switching between 3/18ths and 4/18ths spacing in the preview, though in the final print the spacing will be perfectly regular.
   1 And back to the R-Light font. If you print this, you will see that the difference between 3/18ths and 2/18ths spacing is rather severe. What's needed is something in between. You can add a 36th to the spacing by adding the "/" character immediately after the number in the >sp command, like this:
   1 ARROW.GRF        240  
   1 @@@@TTPPPp`
   1 @0 PP p@@  @@pp
   1 ?>""&&**22""
   1 >>>><>>>"""""">>><>>>>(((((8888<>>>""&&&#??><>>>>((((8>>
   1 >>>>****:>>
   1 >>>>********>>>>((((((((<>>>"""***...,>>>>
   1 >>>>******""  00
   1 >> <>""""""""><">>*(((((88<>"""&&##"><">>((((((8>
   1 <|||TTTTttd$@@``
   1 <|||DDDD|||<@@||||,lllDDDDttt4$dddTTTT|||,
   1 <|||DDDDDDddd$||||DDDDDD||<8||||TTTTTTTT||||PPPPPPPP<|||DDDDDDlll,||||
   1 <xp`@@DDd,(8
   1 <xPPPPPPd$
   1 <>>>****...,<>>>****...,    "&.><80 4>>>****>>>44>>>****>>><
   1 <>>>"""">>><  >>>>&...****::::$&&&****>>><
   1 <>>>""""""&&&$>>>>"""""">><
   1 <>******.,<>******.,    "&,80 4>******>44>******><
   1 <>""""""""&&">>""""""""<
   1 <$$??<<   
   1 <  `@@@DDLLL\TTtdddD ```
   1 9Word Sp:08  Letter Sp:01  [F] Rename  [C] Copy  [INV] Get
   1 8p|||||||| 00
   1 8p``@@`px<
   1 8>>>>>>>>0
   1 88888888888888888888888888888888888888Track-Info
   1 888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888
   1 8888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888
   1 88888888888888888888888888888888
   1 888888888888888888
   1 888888888888
   1 80<<<<<<<<00
   1 8(,dDD@@@@`  <
   1 6>*******.,    ">>"     <>
   1 4tttTTTTT|||,@@@@@||||@@@@@||||
   1 4tTTTTTTT|l``@@D||D@@``@||
   1 4>>>*****...,     >>>>     <>>>
   1 444446((((((((((
   1 3 Barton Street
   1 222444((hpppabddIV
   1 128k Plus 3
   1 128k Plus 2
   1 1280 V1.0 (C) Cardex 1987
   1 0`@@DDDd((
   1 00P\LDD||D
   1 /               -note on the line above the use of font 3,
   1 ...shows how different line spacings can be produced with Typeliner. You should load the "Mini" font from the cassette as well as the "R-Light" font.
   1 *Headliner & Typeliner are extension programs, and thus cannot be used independently of Word-Master.
   1 (0 2&..:22&
   1 (0 "&.*22"
   1 ((dDDD@@@` $
   1 &&""****66$&"**::*.,
   1 $lLLDDTTt$ddDTTTtt\L
   1 $""""$??>>      
   1 $ `@@@ddLLDTTDddDD` 
   1 "typeline.r"
   1 "backup.bas"
   1 ">>******:
   1 ">>*******&&">>*((((((  <>""""****..">>
   1 "&&&.**:222""00
   1  `||DD||   
   1  ```@TTTTppp 
   1  `@@\\PPPp0
   1  `@<|DDDDDD|<@D||
   1  Track-Info
   1  >>>" 08<.
   1   Word-Master requires an EPSON compatible printer (eg. AMSTRAD) with the ESC "L" graphics mode (bit-image: 120 dpi), and n/216ths of an inch line feed.
   1   User-Support is available by telephone (afternoons & evenings) or by mail with enclosed S.A.E. All correspondence to the above address.
   1   To use this demo, run Typeliner from File Handling. If you jump straight into the layout screen, press [INV VIDEO] to escape to the main input. At the main input, type "DemoText", then go back to the main input again and type "DemoPage" to use the page layout for this demo.
   1   The text so far has all been produced in the R-Light font, with a line spacing of 3/18th's. You can see the effect of this in the page preview. Notice that the lines are all regularly spaced. To set a 4/18th's spacing, the command:
   1   The >F command is also demonstrated here, to split the text into the required sections. 
   1   If you print this out you will notice that even though the text is very densely packed, the lines are not actually touching each other. This is because the Mini font is specially designed for this line spacing, and is slightly "shorter" than the others. Now, to return to 3/18ths spacing:
   1   Compare these spacings as shown in the preview with the diagrams in the manual.
   1   And now all the text is produced in this wider line spacing. The difference between these two spacings sizes is clearly visible in the page prevTrack-Info
   1   All versions of Word-Master are supplied on cassette for immediate back-up to the required storage device. Different versions may have slightly different amounts of text memory available.
   1   After fitting, I tried the interface with several of the top ten games, and was astonished at the results. Since the interface interacts directly with the central nervous system, gaining points or completing a game produce spasms of ecstasy (and various other quite exciting sensations). On the other hand, losing a life causes excruciating agony. This certainly encourages you to improve your gameplay!
   1   After fitting, I tried the interface with several of the top ten games, and was astonished at the results. Since the interface interacts directly with the central nervous system, gaining points or completing a game produce spasms of ecstasy (and various other quite exciting sensations). On the other hand, losing a life causes excruciTrack-Info
   1   <>"""""">< ">>
   1    to check there is
   1    this block is at
   1    the layout above
   1    the end of the
   1    text, and is here
   1    no "overflow" from
   1     "&&"**"22"&&0
   1      ****0000
   1       there are additional demo's on the cassette
   1       position lines of text exactly within a box.
   1       please load these and try them out
   1       lines and boxes, as well as the >large text size.
   1       and use the "Fpge" layout called "OrderForm" .
   1       a layout.
   1       You will need to load the fonts on the "Fonts:" listing,
   1       Track-Info
   1       This is a complicated layout making particular use of
   1       Notice also how the >/ command (half-feed) is used to
   1       It also demonsrates the use of graphics to enhance
   1                  the Super font, to produce the asterisks